1) It is a 100% personalized predictive tool since it depends on your birth data (date, time and place).
2) Includes daily predictions based on the transits that the planets make over the points in your birth chart.
3) Includes monthly predictions where you will know the influences that are active during the month for each area of your life.
4) It does not require knowledge of Astrology or your birth chart. The language used when analyzing the predictions excludes astrological terms.
5) It is ideal for working day by day with the influences of the moment on your birth chart. Simple and at the same time profound.
6) Unlike traditional horoscopes, it takes into account your entire birth chart (planets, houses, rulerships, etc.) and not just your sun sign.
7) If you have knowledge of astrology, it is also very useful as a practical tool to know the daily and monthly influences.
8) If you are thinking about giving an Astrocalendar, it is the ideal option since it does not require knowledge of Astrology.
Request your Plus plan for €1.66/month
The Astrocalendar Plus subscription costs 1.66Є per month (20Є per year). In US dollars, this is approximately $21 per year. You can pay by Paypal, as well as by debit or credit card in the button below:
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In order to contact you, do not forget to indicate your email in the transaction monitoring. Any questions you can write a message to astrocalendario.com@gmail.com or Whatsapp +351934250550.
- Astrologer: Julio Boyer.
- Nationality: Venezuelan / Portuguese.
- Email: astrocalendario.com@gmail.com
- Whatsapp: +351934250550
- Instagram: @astroboyer
- Brief relate:
Julio Boyer was born in Caracas, Venezuela and since his youth he studied Astrology first with his mother and then in various institutions. He has a degree in Computer Science from the Central University of Venezuela and has more than 20 years of experience conducting astrological consultations, both in person and virtual, all over the world. He is the creator and founder of Astrocalendario.com.
Países | Plus |
![]() | 20 EUR |
![]() | 22 USD |