
Astrocalendar Plus: A horoscope 100% based on your birth chart

This predictive tool based on your natal chart includes both daily and monthly predictions and forecasts and does not require knowledge of Astrology. It is very simple, intuitive and practical to work in tune with your sky.

Astrocalendar Plus

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Oct 23, 2023  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

What is Astrocalendar Plus?

It is a predictive tool based on the natal chart available for PC, Tablet and Mobile Phone with which you can follow the influence of both daily and monthly planetary transits on your birth chart and best of all, it does not require any kind of knowledge on Astrology or the Natal Chart as it happens with the Premium Astrocalendar. Once you request your account and register with your birth information (date, time and place), you will obtain a unique access link to your Astrocalendar Plus. This predictive tool takes into account your entire natal chart (planets, houses, aspects and rulerships) to determine the influences of the day or month in each area or theme of your life (love, family, work, economy, health, children, etc. ).

The natal chart is an energy map and with your Astrocalendar Plus you will work with this energy to achieve your goals in each area. For example, the Astrocalendar Plus will tell you if there is a specific day or month that is conducive to making economic decisions, promoting productive projects, looking for a new job, making a love date or playing the lottery considering your natal chart and the sky of the moment. Your task will be to activate the influences on harmonic days and avoid problems when there are inharmonious dates on a specific topic.

Astrocalendar Plus Example

Astrocalendar Plus

What is the difference between a traditional horoscope and the Astrocalendar Plus? Traditional horoscopes only consider the sign where the natal Sun is, without even considering the degree it occupies in the zodiac. On the other hand, with the Astrocalendar Plus you will have a powerful, simple, and personalized horoscope that takes into account all the points, planets and houses of your natal chart. There are influences or forecasts that will be active on specific days of the month and others that will be active throughout the month. That is, you will have a personalized horoscope both daily and monthly. We could say that the Astrocalendar Plus is 10,000% more powerful than a traditional horoscope.

Why is the Astrocalendar Plus an ideal tool for people without knowledge of Astrology? The Astrocalendar Plus was designed and created to be used by people who do not understand astrology at all, but who can use their natal chart to achieve their goals in each area and evolve. However, there is an option within Astrocalendar Plus that, when activated, will include the astrological terminology that justifies the prediction or forecast in the analysis of the predictions, but it is optional. If you have zero knowledge of Astrology, don´t worry, since you won´t find any kind of technical vocabulary about your chart in Astrocalendar Plus.

Astrocalendar Plus Example

Astrocalendar Plus

Benefits of the Astrocalendar Plus

1) You will have at your hand a very powerful 100% personalized daily horoscope that considers your entire natal chart.

2) You will know the most important influences that will be active each month of the year, which describe the processes in which you find yourself in the period.

3) You will have predictions for ALL topics and areas of your life based on planetary transits.

4) You will be able to see not only the influences of the current month but of the 12 months of your subscription.

5) By using your Astrocalendar you will be able to choose the best moments or dates to organize your activities and make decisions.

6) You will know the dates and periods in which problems in a specific area are more likely to occur in order to act consciously.

7) You will have the most powerful personalized horoscope with a super accessible investment.

Astrocalendar Plus Example

Astrocalendar Plus

Types of Astrocalendar Plus predictions

Daily Predictions

They indicate the days of the month in which the planets and houses of your natal chart are activated both in a harmonious and inharmonious way. In this way, you will be able to choose the harmonic days to organize your most important activities and avoid problems on days when inharmonious influences occur.

Monthly Predictions

They serve to know the most important influences or transits that will be active during the month. They can be related to internal or psychological experiences as well as to concrete facts or external situations.

Astrocalendar Plus Example

Astrocalendar Plus

Astrological calendars

In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.

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