
Uranus Transit through the Houses: Periods of Change, Crisis and Renewal

Uranus is one of the gods of change, and its transit through houses is usually associated with periods of change and crisis.

Uranus Transit through the Houses: Periods of Change, Crisis and Renewal

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Jan 29, 2024  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

Uranus has an 84-year cycle, spending approximately 7 years in each sign of the zodiac and an average of 7 years in each house of the natal chart. During a Uranus transit of a house in the natal chart, the areas or themes related to that house undergo a revolution. For instance, when Uranus transits the 7th house, new relationships may form, while unsuccessful ones may come to an end.

During the transit of Uranus, significant internal and external changes may occur, prompting you to renew or reform areas of your life related to the house through which it transits. It is important to be open to change during these stages but avoid radical attitudes that may lead to crises when dissatisfied with things. Instead, propose changes in an intelligent, constructive, and harmonious way.

What positive aspects and challenges does the transit of Uranus have through houses?

Uranus transiting the 1st house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 1st house.

During Uranus´ transit through your first house, you have a favorable period to propose changes and reforms in your life. This is an opportunity to renew the most important relationship of all, which is the relationship with yourself. The positive influence of this transit depends on your ability to have the freedom to be and act as you want, and to have a large living space. Studying self-help and personal growth topics can help you manifest the new version of yourself that you desire. For instance, reading Joe Dispenza´s book ´Stop Being You´ is a good idea. Innovative initiatives are preferred.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 1st House

During the transit of Uranus through your 1st house, you may face the challenge of avoiding radical, irreverent, and rebellious attitudes when you are dissatisfied with situations. Such attitudes may generate crises and problems. If you want to make changes in your life, you must do so intelligently, constructively, and harmoniously. During this transit, you may feel a strong desire to break free from any limitations or constraints, but it is important to act with awareness. Keep in mind that the 1st house is associated with the consequences of your actions, decisions, and initiatives. Therefore, any negative outcomes resulting from this influence will largely depend on your choices.

Uranus transiting the 2nd house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 2nd house

If Uranus transits your second house, you are in an ideal period to renew and diversify your economy and productive model. The changes you make in this area of your life will transcend and if you have not achieved your financial goals, it is still important that you can improve your relationship with money and abundance by studying the principles and laws of material success. For example, reading the book -Think and Grow Rich- is a good idea right now. Likewise, studying marketing, management or any subject that helps you develop abundance will be the best investment you can make. Innovative projects are highly favored. On the other hand, if your economy is going to experience a big change, this is a key period, so set your intention and work with the Law of Attraction.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 2nd House.

If Uranus transits your 2nd house, you face the challenge of avoiding risks or radical attitudes when making economic decisions. Such decisions can generate crises in this area of your life. If your finances do not meet your expectations, this transit indicates that you must change the way you relate to money and abundance by renewing paradigms and beliefs. However, to achieve this, you will have to leave your comfort zone. Remember that crises also bring opportunities for both internal and external change.

Uranus transiting the 3rd house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 3rd house

The knowledge gained during this period will be related to the significant changes you will experience later in life. Similarly, the individuals in your immediate surroundings will act as catalysts for significant changes. Therefore, it is crucial to surround yourself with positive, proactive, and intelligent individuals who radiate good energy. Additionally, this stage may inspire innovative or avant-garde ideas, making it an excellent time to engage in writing and mental work. Lastly, short trips may present situations that bring about important changes during this period.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 3rd House

When Uranus transits your 3rd house you have the challenge to avoid taking extreme positions when communicating to prevent conflicts in your close relationships. If you disagree with something, express your thoughts constructively, intelligently, and harmoniously. Additionally, it is advisable to distance yourself from negative relationships in your immediate environment to avoid potential crises. Finally, if you plan to take short trips, it is important to avoid recklessness at this stage of your life.

Uranus transiting the 4th house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 4th house

During a Uranus transit of your fourth house, it is an ideal time to renew and reform your home project. This transit often coincides with a move and significant changes related to your family, home project, and loved ones. Additionally, if you wish to address past issues, it is an excellent time for healing therapies such as Family Constellations or Bioneuroemotion Therapies. Remember that the 4th house relates to your Inner Self. You have the opportunity to make positive internal changes. Innovative family projects are favored. For instance, consider using Feng shui to make changes to your home. Another option is comparing vacation homes to share with your family.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 4th House

If Uranus transits your 4th house, you may face challenges in maintaining healthy family relationships. It is important to avoid radical attitudes and work towards resolving conflicts. This transit may lead to crises or breakups if there are already existing issues with one of your parents or other family members. Pay attention to the programs, patterns, and complexes that are activated during this stage in order to heal them. This transit may indicate outcomes of family karma, as the 4th house is analogous to the influence of the past on your life. This transit may indicate outcomes of family karma, as the 4th house is analogous to the influence of the past on your life. This transit may indicate outcomes of family karma, as the 4th house is analogous to the influence of the past on your life.

Uranus transiting the 5th house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 5th house

If Uranus transits your fifth house, you are in a favorable stage to develop your gifts, talents, and creative potential. Creative activities, hobbies, and entrepreneurship are favored. Everything you create during this period can bring important changes to your life. Additionally, a positive effect of this transit can be a renewal of your romantic life. Therefore, share things that you enjoy. If you have children, it´s a great time to share innovative or avant-garde activities and projects with them. Connecting with your inner child by doing activities you enjoy can have a positive impact on your mood and energy. The fifth house is related to your inner child.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 5th House

If Uranus transits your 5th house, you may face the challenge of avoiding radical attitudes if you feel dissatisfied in your romantic life or relationship with children. This is because you may tend to generate crises in these relationships. To renew these relationships, it is important to act intelligently and constructively. Considering that the 5th house is associated with your inner child, it´s time to review any disagreements that may be causing you to act rebelliously and make a conscious change.

Uranus transiting the 6th house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 6th house

During Uranus´ transit through your sixth house, you have a favorable opportunity to innovate in your work life and make conscious changes that benefit your health. If your current job is unsatisfying, consider alternatives such as working independently or seeking new employment. Additionally, this is an excellent time to improve your health through diet and exercise while eliminating negative habits. A pet that enters your life during this time will bring significant changes as it connects with this period.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 6th House

During Uranus´ transit through your 6th house, you may experience changes or unforeseen events in your work or employment. If you are dissatisfied with your work situation, it is important to avoid radical attitudes and instead act intelligently and constructively to renew this area of your life. Additionally, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid habits that may harm your health during this transit. Excessive stress and emotional problems can also affect your health. This is especially true with this influence.

Uranus transiting the 7th house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 7th house

When Uranus moves through your seventh house, it is an excellent time to make changes and innovations in your most important relationships, such as your romantic partner or business partnerships. During this transit, you should approach your relationships with a new perspective and share your innovative ideas to make them work. The most significant changes during this period may come from proposals or projects that you share with others, and you must focus on building good relationships.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 7th House

If Uranus transits your 7th house, you may face the challenge of avoiding radical, rebellious, or irreverent attitudes in your romantic relationships and partnerships, as they may lead to crises. Be aware that any existing interpersonal issues may worsen during this time, potentially resulting in problems, crises, or even breakups. Additionally, as the 7th house is associated with declared enemies, it is important to note that rivalries during this period may also lead to crises.

Uranus transiting the 8th house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 8th house

When Uranus transits your eighth house, you find yourself in a very favorable stage to free yourself from childhood complexes, carry out healing therapies and renew your sexual life. The study of occult, mystical or spiritual topics is also favored. With this influence, businesses, commercial partnerships or inheritances can bring important changes to your economy.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 8th House

During the transit of Uranus through your 8th house, it is important to avoid radical, rebellious, or irreverent attitudes when facing crises or difficult moments. This transit may activate childhood complexes, hidden aspects, or shadows, allowing for transformation. Unforeseen events may also arise in businesses and commercial partnerships. Another significant aspect of this transit is the potential for changes in your sexual life.

Uranus transiting the 9th house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 9th house

During the transit of Uranus through your ninth house, you have a favorable opportunity to renew your beliefs, paradigms, and philosophy of life. This is an excellent time to read about personal growth, spirituality, and self-help. Additionally, traveling abroad can be a catalyst for significant changes. Ultimately, the most profound changes will come when you have a sense of adventure and expand the boundaries of your life.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 9th House

During Uranus´ transit through your 9th house, it is important to avoid radical attitudes when discussing political, ideological, or religious topics. The ninth house is related to your way of thinking and ideals, and by confronting your truth with others´, you may activate crises with this influence. Additionally, it is important to avoid problems in your relationship with in-laws and to exercise caution when traveling abroad.

Uranus transiting the 10th house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 10th house

As Uranus moves through your tenth house, you are in a favorable period to revitalize your professional life and promote innovative projects. This transit brings many changes, and it is important to be open to new opportunities. If you are considering making changes in your career or job, now is the ideal time to do so. Additionally, this is a great time to strengthen your relationships with your mother, bosses, or superiors, as the tenth house is related to these areas.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 10th House

As Uranus moves through your 10th house, you may face the challenge of avoiding radical, irreverent, and rebellious attitudes that could negatively impact your professional life and reputation. If you desire changes or feel dissatisfied with your current situation, it is important to raise your concerns in an intelligent, constructive, and harmonious manner. This transit signals a stage in which you may need to renew your career or job to avoid a potential crisis.

Uranus transiting the 11th house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 11th house

During Uranus´ transit through your eleventh house, you will find yourself in a favorable stage to renew your social life, friendships, or participation in groups. These relationships can help reform your life, and social interactions will be catalysts for important changes. Pay attention to opportunities, help, or favors that arise in your social environments. For example, an important friendship may develop during this stage of your life.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 11th House

During the transit of Uranus through your 11th house, you may face the challenge of refraining from radical, rebellious, and irreverent attitudes within your social circles, groups, and friendships. Such attitudes may lead to crises in these relationships. This influence indicates changes in your social environment, but it is important to avoid negative influences and conflicts of interest.

Uranus transiting the 12th house

Positive aspects of Uranus transiting through the 12th house

During the transit of Uranus through your twelfth house, you are in an advantageous stage for performing healing therapies. This transit can bring positive changes and help release unconscious complexes. Additionally, taking time for retreat, isolation, and meditation can lead to significant personal growth. Pay attention to positive situations or events that occur unexpectedly during this stage of your life. These may be related to successes from previous incarnations.

Challenges of Uranus Transit through the 12th House

Finally, during Uranus´ transit through your 12th house, you may face the challenge of avoiding radical attitudes as they may lead to hidden enmities. However, this influence can also be associated with crises, unforeseen events, or changes related to your karmic legacy or past lives. The 12th house represents the dissolution of the ego, and therefore any crises during this period will likely involve letting go, detaching from things, practicing acceptance, and embracing change. Additionally, this transit may activate unconscious complexes, allowing for healing.

Astrological calendars

In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.

Uranus   Transit   Houses    Change    Crisis    Renewal   Natal