
Venus will transit through Aquarius: From February 16 to March 11

This transit will have an influence on your sign and activate certain aspects of your birth chart. Discover how it will affect you.

Venus will transit through Aquarius: From February 16 to March 11

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Feb 18, 2024  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

Avant-garde relationships

During Venus´s transit through Aquarius, there is a greater desire to socialize, participate in group activities, and fraternize. If you plan a romantic outing during this transit, avoid possessive, egocentric, or overly emotional behavior, as it will clash with the energy of Venus in Aquarius. This transit is an ideal time to give unique gifts and participate in unconventional activities. To achieve your emotional goals, show your most creative and avant-garde side.

Which signs will benefit from the transit of Venus through Aquarius?

The signs that will benefit the most are Gemini ♊, Libra ♎, Aquarius ♒, Aries ♈, and Sagittarius ♐. If you belong to any of these signs, you may experience some benefits in your relationships and opportunities for love may arise. However, it is important to analyze other slow transits as well. Additionally, the planets in your birth chart that are in these signs may also receive some benefits.

Which signs will be affected by Venus´ transit through Aquarius ♒?

If you are a Taurus ♉, Leo ♌, or Scorpio ♏, be cautious in your relationships during Venus´s transit through Aquarius. Other slow planet transits or influences must occur simultaneously for this transit to indicate crises or significant situations. Return of Venus in Aquarius

If you have natal Venus in Aquarius, you should know that in the period indicated above (From February 16 to March 11, 2024) your Venus return will occur, which signals the beginning of a cycle in your emotional life. If you have a partner, schedule activities that give a boost to your relationship and if you don´t have a partner, it is a great time to meet new people. Take advantage of the next few days to visualize the relationship you want.

Favorable days for romantic dates during the transit of Venus through Aquarius

1) Venus conjunction Pluto (February 17 and 18)

2) Venus conjunction Mars (February 21 to 24)

3) Venus sextile North Node (March 2)

What days should you avoid problems in your relationships during the transit of Venus through Aquarius?

1) Venus square Jupiter (February 25 and 26)

2) Venus square Uranus (March 3 and 4)

Astrological calendars

In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.

Venus   Transit    Aquarius   Signs   Aspects   Planet   Relationships