
In which sign is Uranus and how do you plan and experience the changes in your life?

Uranus is one of the transpersonal planets and has an analogy with our most avant-garde and original nature. Uranus sign in your birth chart

In which sign is Uranus and how do you plan and experience the changes in your life?

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Nov 02, 2023  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

Uranus is one of the transpersonal planets, and since it lasts about 7 years in each sign, a generation shares the same position of this star in the birth chart by sign. This planet is analogous both to our avant-garde vision, innovative capacity and revolutionary spirit, as well as to our radical, rebellious and irreverent stance when we are dissatisfied with a situation.

The sign in which it is placed indicates the way in which we express our disagreements, propose some changes in our lives and experience our crises, although the aspects this star receives in the birth chart also reflect the dynamics of this type of experience. Let´s look at some examples:

1) The generation born with Uranus in Aries will tend to act in a determined, confident or impulsive way when proposing changes or experiencing their crises.

2) People born with Uranus in Capricorn will tend to be more cautious and prefer to act with a plan or strategy when it comes to promoting change in their lives, although they will have a less optimistic or enthusiastic vision in moments of crisis.

2) When Uranus is in Scorpio, the person may become very extreme or drastic in life crises.

3) When the Sun trines (harmonises) natal Uranus, the person will be able to create innovative things and will be someone original.

4) If Saturn is square to Uranus in the natal chart, the person may be afraid of change and will tend to become rigid, insecure or fearful in moments of crisis.

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Sign   Uranus   Experience   Changes   Planets   Chart   Birth