
Venus in synastry: Keys to compatibility

Learn the keys that will help you have a successful relationship based on the position of natal Venus by sign, house, aspects and interaspects.

Venus in synastry: Keys to compatibility

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Feb 07, 2024  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

In the birth chart, Venus is associated with the principle of affinity and is therefore a key planet to consider when studying synastry or compatibility between two people. Analyzing the planet Venus in the birth chart can provide insight into what makes a person happy, how they experience pleasure, what types of people they are attracted to, and how these factors are related.

The sign of Venus

The sign of Venus in the birth chart describes the type of people who usually arouse our interest or affinity. For instance, if your natal Venus is in Libra, you will be attracted to charming, cordial, polite, and diplomatic people. If Venus is in Leo, you will be attracted to outstanding, brilliant, and leading individuals. If you are interested in someone with Venus in Aries, avoid acting indecisively, passively, or dependently, as these attitudes will not connect with their Venus.

On the other hand, the position of Venus provides insight into the type of relationship that would be most suitable for an individual. If Venus is in Gemini, relationships that prioritize mental harmony, companionship, brotherhood, and friendship are likely to be the most successful. Conversely, if Venus is in Sagittarius, it is crucial to share a common philosophy of life and engage in many adventures and trips to foster a successful relationship. For individuals with Venus in Sagittarius, monotonous or routine relationships are likely to fail.

The house of Venus

The house of Venus indicates what a person values and finds pleasurable. The house of Venus indicates what a person values and finds pleasurable. Therefore, it is important for the relationship to be strong in areas related to the house. For instance, if natal Venus is in house 5, shared recreational activities and moments of leisure will strengthen the bond. If Venus is in house 6, sharing work or health-related activities such as diets or going to the gym will be important to this person.

The aspects of Venus

The natal aspects of Venus act as scripts or programs that are activated and repeated in relationships. For instance, an individual with a Venus-Uranus square may experience an unstable emotional life or changes in their relationships until they can consciously evolve this aspect. Conversely, a person with a Venus-Saturn trine is more likely to have long-lasting and stable relationships. If you have this trine, it is important to note that mature, realistic, and ambitious individuals are best suited for you. This will reflect the dynamics of this aspect. On the other hand, if you have the Venus-Uranus square in your chart, it is not advisable to engage in relationships with individuals who are very radical, unstable, or irreverent.

The interaspects of Venus

Interaspects refer to the planetary angles that the planets in a person´s birth chart make on the planets in their partner´s chart. The harmonious aspects that your Venus receives from your partner´s chart reveal what makes you feel good when you are with that person, while the inharmonious interaspects that your Venus receives point out what you may dislike the most. It is important to note that any modifications made to the original text were solely to improve clarity, conciseness, or formality without altering the core message. For instance, if your partner´s Saturn squares your natal Venus, your pessimistic, negative, or rigid attitudes will cause you the most displeasure in your partner.

This awareness can help improve the relationship. The conjunction is the most powerful of all the interaspects that natal Venus receives from the other person´s chart. Depending on the planet making the aspect, it can indicate high compatibility. For instance, if the other person´s Sun or Mars is conjunct with your Venus, there will be a lot of chemistry and harmony in the relationship.

Venus in the houses of the couple´s chart

This overlap points to areas or themes that will add value to the relationship if activities are shared or developed consciously. For example, if a person´s Venus is located in the other person´s 8th house, sexual chemistry is enhanced and if a person´s natal Venus is in the other person´s 2nd house, the productive projects shared in the relationship. They will be beneficial especially if there are harmonious interactions.

Astrological calendars

In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.

Venus   Synastry   Compatibility   Sign   House   Aspects   Interaspects