
Moon in the 12th house: Solar Return

The house where the Moon of the Solar Return is located indicates those areas or themes of life where experiences will have the most influence on our emotional world during the year and where we will tend to react unconsciously, reflecting situations from the past.

Moon in the 12th house: Solar Return

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Feb 18, 2024  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

5 keys to understand the meaning of the Moon in the 12th house of the Solar Revolution

1) You are in a favorable period to carry out holistic or emotional therapies that help you heal.

2) Moments of retreat, meditation and inner search will have a very positive effect on your emotional balance, mood and temperament. Contact with nature will benefit you.

3) The most important emotional experiences of the year, both positive and negative, have a karmic or past life origin. If something affects you emotionally, consciously change it and you will be freeing yourself from karma.

4) If you have problems with a family member, this person will tend to act in a hidden way to harm you, so you must be alert and on the other hand raise your vibration about this person to achieve a change in this situation.

5) This is a very favorable year to heal emotionally and become aware of the programs, patterns and unconscious complexes of your family legacy in order to change them. Remember that the 12th house is where the ego dies, so if something affects you emotionally, you will heal by freeing yourself from attachments and practicing the Law of Acceptance.

The sign of the Moon in the Solar Return

In the Solar Return, the Moon answers the question: How do I feel? and the sign where it is located allows us to determine the type of people who will positively influence our mood during the year. In this way, if you have the annual Moon in Libra ♎, relate to balanced, equanimous and charming people, if you have the Moon in Aries ♈ you should relate to enthusiastic, dynamic and enterprising people and if you have the Moon in Capricorn ♑ with ambitious, practical and realistic people since you will connect emotionally with them.

On the other hand, remember that you will tend to express the harmonious traits of the Moon sign when you feel good while in moments of emotional imbalance you will show the inharmonious traits. For example, if the annual Moon is in Aries ♈ you will act with determination, courage and initiative when you feel good and impulsively, impatient or conflictive when something affects you emotionally.

Aspects of the Moon in the 12th house of the Solar Return

The aspects of the Moon in the Solar Return are related to the way we react to situations that mobilize our emotional world. For example, if the Moon is square Uranus in the annual chart, the person will tend to act radically and irreverently when they feel distressed by a situation. With this aspect, it is possible that the person experiences an unforeseen event during the year that affects their emotional world. On the other hand, if the Moon is in trine with Jupiter, you will be happy, enthusiastic and optimistic when you have positive experiences that make you feel happy.

Harmonious aspects that reach the Moon in the 12th house can signal spiritual progress in the year, as well as positive experiences related to your harmonic karma. On the other hand, inharmonious aspects can indicate situations that affect you emotionally and that have a karmic origin.

Astrological calendars

In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.

Moon    12th   House   Solar   Return   Aspects   Sign