
Natal Chart: Was Jesus Christ born on 24 February 4 BC?

One of the most important astrological events of the time occurred on this date, and historians agree on the date of his birth.

Natal Chart: Was Jesus Christ born on 24 February 4 BC?

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Oct 29, 2023  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

Historical evidence has shown that although the birth of Jesus of Nazareth is celebrated throughout the world on 25 December, this date does not actually correspond to the event. Most historians accept a birth date between 6 and 4 B.C. C. In the same way, there are many hypotheses which suggest that Jesus´ zodiac sign was Pisces and not Capricorn (25 December). If we take these studies into account, we should note that on 24 February 4 BC, a very special astrological configuration occurred in the sky which, from an astrological point of view, indicated a momentous change of time which could be interpreted by the so-called Three Wise Men, who were astrologers, to announce the birth of a being who would lead this change.

Natal Chart: Jesus Christ

Solar Eclipse in Pisces

If we look at the sky on 24th February 4 BC, we see that on that day there was an eclipse of the Sun in the sign of Pisces (sign of faith). This formed a stellium configuration between the Sun, the Moon, Uranus, Mercury and Venus. The fact that Uranus was next to the Sun and Moon indicates an event that would bring great changes, the trine with the dispositor Neptune, a message of salvation, and the opposition with Pluto, a great transformation that would occur as a result of the influence of the eclipse. If Jesus was indeed born at this time, we could make several hypotheses about the time of his birth. Firstly, the Stellium could be in the first house, as we would be talking about a person with leadership (Sun in house 1) and a very strong personality. The Aquarius Ascendant could indicate an avant-garde, reformist and irreverent approach, and Pluto in the 7th house opposite the planets in the 1st house indicates declared enemies who act with extremism. This aspect could be related to the crucifixion. If we move the Ascendant towards the year 33, it would be opposing natal Pluto at this very moment.

On the other hand, Neptune is the highest planet in this chart and is therefore very important, as it also has the Sun and Moon. Neptune is the planet of spirituality and healing and is in the 9th house (philosophy of life and beliefs). Mercury in Aquarius in conjunction with Venus indicates a fair way of communicating. However, the square with Jupiter indicates a tendency to say what you think without thinking of the consequences. Mars in Aries indicates determination in your battles, and the conjunction with Saturn indicates composure and resistance in your battles. The conjunction of Jupiter with the heavenly fund may indicate a descent from kings, as the genealogy of Jesus in the Bible suggests.

Whether or not Jesus of Nazareth was born on 24 February 4 BC, the configuration that occurred in the heavens at that moment would herald one of the most important events for humanity and change history forever.

Astrological calendars

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Natal   Chart   Jesus   Christ   Solar   Eclipse   Pisces