Individuals born on February 16st fall under the Aquarius ♒ zodiac sign, as their birth date falls between January 21st and February 19th. As a result, those born on these days have the Sun in Aquarius in their birth chart.
Aquarius individuals have both positive and negative features that reflect their zodiac sign. The energy of the sun sign can be nuanced by other configurations of the birth chart. The table below highlights some key personality features associated with Aquarius individuals. Depending on their level of personal growth, individuals may exhibit more positive or negative features.
Harmonic features | Inharmonious features |
Innovator | Radical |
Avant-garde | Nonconformist |
Independent | Rebel |
Original | Irreverent |
Fraternal | Idealist |
Intellectual | Eccentric |
Humanist | Impersonal |
Ingenious | Impractical |
Progressive | Insubordinate |
Open minded | Undisciplined |
Aquarius individuals have both positive and negative features that reflect their zodiac sign. The energy of the sun sign can be nuanced by other configurations of the birth chart. The table below highlights some key personality features associated with Aquarius individuals. Depending on their level of personal growth, individuals may exhibit more positive or negative features.
Aquarius with ... | Compatibility |
Aries | High |
Taurus | Low |
Gemini | High |
Cancer | Medium |
Leo | Low |
Virgo | Medium |
Libra | High |
Scorpio | Low |
Sagittarius | High |
Capricorn | Medium |
Aquarius | High |
Pisces | Medium |
Get to know the yearly predictions for people of the sign of Aquarius based on the prediction technique of planetary transits and request your personalized horoscope based on your birth chart.
Learn about the keys to love for Aquarius individuals, including their compatible and incompatible signs, as well as love predictions for the next three months.
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In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.
Who is each zodiac sign compatible and incompatible with?
Discover compatibilityHow will the new, full moons and eclipses of the year influence the 12 signs of the zodiac?
See lunations