
Natal Chart of Marilyn Monroe (Astrobiography)

What are the configurations of her birth chart that are related to the success achieved by this talented American actress in her short life?

Keys to Marilyn Monroe´s Astral Chart

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Sep 19, 2023  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

Norma Jeane Mortenson Baker known as Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles on June 1, 1926 at 9:30 a.m. Under the sun sign of Gemini and like all people of this sign, Marilyn was a charming, witty woman and an excellent communicator, exercising her leadership in the social circles where she participated since the king star is in conjunction with the 11th house cusp. sextile to the Ascendant in Leo and conjunction to its ruling planet (Mercury).

His childhood was marked by transformative difficulties, limiting experiences both economically and emotionally, as indicated by the planet Saturn in Scorpio in the 4th house square Neptune, Jupiter and the Moon. Due to the absence of a father and the instability of her mother, Marilyn did not have a fixed home, residing with some relatives and or close friends of the mother (Cancer in house 12). It must be remembered that the 12th house is the close relatives and intimate friends of the mother by derivatives (3rd house from the 10th) and Cancer has an analogy with home and family, Pluto in this house signals transformative experiences in these adoptive homes. Both Saturn in Scorpio in the 4th house associated with origin and early experiences and its ruler (Pluto) in the 12th house of difficult or karmic circumstances marked a beginning in his life full of traumas and unconscious complexes. Perhaps the most salvageable aspect of her origin and early childhood is her average.

Sister (mother´s daughter) who from the moment she learned of her existence exerted a positive influence on her as reflected by the ruler of the 3rd house (Venus) who, in addition to being the highest planet in the chart, is in sextile to Jupiter (great benefic) and trine Neptune, this being a very significant relationship for Marilyn.

Natal Chart of Marilyn Monroe

If we take into account that the planet of beauty, the feminine, and art (Venus) governs and is very close to the Midheaven (Profession and social success) and is also in a trine with Neptune and sextile with Jupiter, we can explain its rapid career advancement as a model and actress. The trine of fire Venus - Neptune made her a kind of feminine deity that shines like the Sun since the star of the divine (Neptune) is in the sign of Leo and in the 1st house of the personality. For its part, the planet Jupiter performs a sextile from the house of relationships, partnerships, and contracts (7) that were decisive for her progress and social ascent, such as the one she will achieve with Twentieth Century Fox to work as a movie extra, which will open the door as a successful actress.

It should be noted that her Mars in the 8th house is a sign of sex appeal and eroticism, especially since she has Venus (femininity) which made her a global female symbol with great projection abroad (Venus in the 9th house). The house where Jupiter is located usually indicates quantity or abundance and being in the house of marriage (7) highlights his multiple relationships and her three marriages. In each of these, she searched for the home she never had (Jupiter conjunction - Moon in house 7) choosing protective partners like baseball player Joe DiMaggio. However, she always had to choose between her career and the stability of a home which she never reached, as reflected by the squares between the 4th and 7th houses.

When studying the regencies of her chart, the ruler of the 12th house in the 7th house stands out, which usually indicates karmic love or hidden relationships such as the one she surely had with President Kennedy and his brother Bobby, among others. In the same way, the regency of the 8th house (causes of death) in the 1st house can indicate that she herself was the direct cause of her death due to an overdose of barbiturates symbolized by the quincunx between Mars and Neptune, as is the official version, although both Pisces as Neptune may indicate unclear causes or circumstances. It must be added that Uranus in the eighth house is a sign of an unexpected or sudden death and the placement of the ruler in Leo indicates recognition after death.

Finally, it should be noted that Marilyn had two marked facets in her personality, which is explained in the duality of her Gemini sun sign, who is also the ruler of the Ascendant and significator of her personality. On the one hand, she was a woman of prodigious glamour, style and artistic talent and on the other a sub-personality fueled by her childhood complexes, phobias and depressions caused by her difficult childhood experiences that finally caused her death at the age of 36.

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Marilyn   Monroe   Natal   Chart   Astrobiography   Actress   Success