
The ruler of the 8th house in the birth chart and in alchemy

What we came to transform the 8th house is related to the hidden side of our personality and the transformative experiences in our lives. Ruler of the 8th House in the Birth Chart

The ruler of the 8th house in the birth chart and in alchemy

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Nov 07, 2023  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

The eighth house of the chart has, among other things, an analogy with the "shadow" or hidden side of the personality, as well as with what we came to transform in our current incarnation. Therefore, the location by house of the planet ruling the sign at the beginning of that house indicates a series of areas or issues where our hidden side becomes visible and fears and childhood complexes can be activated, as well as the unrecognised side of ourselves. ourselves to become aware of and transform. In this sense, we need to pay attention to the people who are related to the issues of the house where the Ruler of 8 is placed. It is very possible that we end up projecting our own "shadow" onto them in order to integrate it.

For example, if the ruler of the 8th house is in the 10th house, it is very possible that we will project our darkest side onto our boss or some authority, especially if this planet has inharmonious aspects. On the other hand, if the ruler of the 8th house is in the 2nd house, we must be on the lookout for problems arising from money issues with others, as there will be something very deep and hidden at work here that we must transform.

Finally, if the ruler of the 8th house is in the 7th house, we may see the same principle reflected in relationships, partnerships or with our declared enemies. The key to the development of this point on the chart is self-referral and the transformation of the negative emotions that experiences in these areas produce in us, without blaming anyone and understanding that it is an internal dynamic that is at work, although it is not an easy task. Remember that each sign is ruled by a planet (Aries by Mars, Taurus by Venus, Gemini by Mercury, and so on), and to know who is the ruler of the 8th house, you just have to see which sign is at the beginning of the house.

Astrological calendars

In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.

Ruler   8th   House   Birth   Chart   Alchemy   Transform