
Transiting Pluto square natal Pluto: Which generation does it affect in 2023 and 2024?

This transit occurs only once in a lifetime and is related to a stage of transformative experiences.

Transiting Pluto square natal Pluto: Which generation does it affect in 2023 and 2024?

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Feb 06, 2024  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

The meaning of transit:

Inharmonious transits of Pluto are typically associated with periods of change and transformative experiences that mark a before and after in life. During these stages, something must die for there to be a rebirth. By consciously working through these changes, we can avoid unnecessary suffering. During this time, it is advisable to practice the Law of Detachment and maintain a high vibration. Clinging to things and allowing negative emotions to take over can lead to a difficult experience. It is important to distance ourselves from toxic people or situations during this transit.

One of the most important inharmonic transits that Pluto makes occurs when it makes a square to its natal position, activating the house where it is located, the house of Scorpio (rulership) and making the inharmonic aspects it has in the natal map resonate. For example, if a person with Pluto in the 10th house is experiencing the transit of Pluto square to natal Pluto, it is very possible that they will experience some type of changes or crises in their career or professional life and if Scorpio is the sign located at the beginning of House 2, this crisis can also be economic or values. The challenge is to do alchemy with these areas and consciously transform them and thus we will have taken advantage of this transit.

Which generation will receive this influence in 2023 and 2024?

The generations born in 1982, 1983, and 1984 will experience this transit in their birth chart, as Pluto will be in the last degrees of Capricorn and the first degrees of Aquarius during those years.

House of natal Pluto

This house will be crucial during the transition period. We must consciously transform what does not work and prevent toxic situations or relationships from developing in these areas. For instance, a person with natal Pluto in the 7th house should carefully review their relationships before the influence or transit takes place.

House of Scorpio in the birth chart

As Scorpio is the sign that Pluto rules, this transit can also activate the areas or themes associated with the house of Scorpio.

Inharmonious aspects of natal Pluto

The inharmonious natal aspects that Pluto receives can also indicate learning or transformative experiences that will be mobilizing at that moment. For example, if Venus and Pluto are in a partial or exact square in the natal chart, the person can have a transformative experience in love during the transit of Pluto square to natal Pluto, but if the person has consciously worked on this natal aspect, The influence of traffic can be null or weak.

Astrological calendars

In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.

Pluto   Square   Natal   Transit   Scorpio   Aspects   House