
What does Uranus retrograde, mean in the birth chart?

In the birth chart, retrograde planets are related to energies that we experience from the inside out and with which we came to reconnect in a harmonious way.

What does Uranus retrograde, mean in the birth chart?

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Feb 07, 2024  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

Uranus is the planet of change and revolution. Its position in each house of the natal chart reveals the areas of our life where we have a mission to renew or reform, and where we can contribute new concepts and ideas. For instance, physicist Albert Einstein was born with Uranus in the house of the mind (3), and his revolutionary ideas about physics changed the world. On the other hand, if a natal star is retrograde, the planet´s energy is experienced from the inside out, and there is a pending karmic work to do.

To understand natal Uranus, retrograde, keep in mind these 7 keys:

1) The true revolution with Uranus retrogrades happens from the inside out.

Joining social movements or currents of thought without knowing what your being asks you to change is useless.

2) Uranus retrograde in a house may indicate unfinished business from past lives in a specific area or topic.

For instance, if Uranus is retrograde in the 4th house, these changes may relate to family dependency, an unsolved karmic issue carried over from past lives.

3) With Uranus retrograde people may seem externally conventional, but internally they are unconventional.

This is especially so in topics and areas related to the house where Uranus is in the birth chart. For example, if Uranus is in the 8th house, the person may seem conservative in the sexual area, but deep down they are more avant-garde or liberal.

4) Retrograde planets refer to the karmic past and in the case of Uranus retrograde it is related to learning to express one´s freedom.

Uranus retrograde is a pending karmic debt of liberation that you have with your being.

5) As Uranus is a generational planet, it is related to the social changes that a generation came to propose in the society in which it was born and with Uranus retrograde the person may take a little longer to assimilate these social trends.

This is true, but when the person finally assimilates these avant-garde trends he usually magnifies them and experiences them with great passion.

6) Also, retrograde planets can be related to energies that we must learn to express harmoniously.

In this way, the person with Uranus retrograde came to learn to express their disagreement or rebellion in an intelligent, harmonious and constructive way, avoiding radical and irreverent attitudes.

7) In the worst case, Uranus retrograde can indicate an absolute disconnection from reality and the established order.

For example, with Uranus retrograde in the 2nd house, it is common to see people with unstable economies at some stages of their lives because they are disconnected from the economic order of society.

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Uranus    Retrograde   Birth    Chart   Mean   Planet   Sign