
Astrocalendar Plus Daily Predictions (Personalized Daily Horoscope)

The daily forecasts of the Astrocalendario Plus are based on the technique of planetary transits and all the planets and houses of your natal chart are taken into account to make the predictions because it is 100% personalized.

Astrocalendar Plus Daily Predictions

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Oct 23, 2023  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

What are the daily predictions of the Astrocalendar Plus?

The daily predictions of the Astrocalendar Plus take into account the influence of the planetary transits of the sky of the day on the different points of your natal chart (planets and houses). In the predictive analysis, both transits and planetary cycles as well as lunations and eclipses are considered, although it is important to note that the interpretation does not include technical terms about Astrology unless you activate the option.

All the areas and themes of a person´s life are represented in the natal chart and with the Astrocalendar Plus you will know the days in which each area is energetically activated both harmonically and inharmonically. When a theme is activated in a harmonic way, you will have the opportunity to sow or reap something since what you do at that moment will connect with the energetic frequency of the influence. For example, if you want to make an appointment with someone special, you can choose a day when there is a harmonic influence on the theme of love and your chances of success will increase considerably since you will be working with the energy of your map. At that moment, your intention will be aligned with the field of all possibilities.

What type of transits are considered to obtain the daily forecasts in the Astrocalendar Plus?

If you have a bit of experience with astrology and know how planetary transits work, you will be able to understand how the daily predictions are obtained from Astrocalendar Plus, although it is not necessary to use the tool. When two transiting planets make an aspect in the sky, they generate an energy field that activates certain points or areas of the zodiac and the natal charts of people. For example, if transiting Jupiter and Saturn make a harmonic aspect in the 7th degree of Taurus and Pisces and a person has the natal Sun in the 7th degree of Cancer, they will receive a very favorable double harmonic influence to achieve success and fulfillment that day. If, in addition, the natal Sun is in the 6th house, the good news may be related to your work life or health. All this is automatically analyzed by Astrocalendar Plus so that you can follow the daily influences in a practical way without knowing about Astrology.

Tips for working with the daily predictions of Astrocalendar Plus

1) At the beginning of the day you can enter your access link to Astrocalendar Plus and review the influences that will be active during the day to organize your agenda and follow the advice that is discussed.

2) If you need to choose a date of the week to carry out an important activity, check in advance that there are no inharmonious influences that day related to the subject.

3) There are days when there are harmonic influences for a specific theme and the idea is that you can carry out or schedule an activity that is related to those themes.

4) When harmonic influences occur in a specific area and day, it is an excellent idea to do a visualization, meditation, ritual, etc. that is related to your objectives in that area since you will be connecting heaven and earth to manifest your desires.

5) Avoid problems in the areas affected by inharmonious influences on the days they occur, since they will tend to transcend more and generate crises.

6) On the dates when harmonic influences occur, put the seed of something that you hope to manifest in the future. They are very powerful elective dates on an energetic level. Example: a meeting, decision, action, or intention.

7) Remember that with your Astrocalendar Plus subscription, you will be able to see the daily predictions for every day of the year immediately.

More information about Astrocalendar Plus

Monthly Predictions

You will have on your hand all the most important influences or transits that will be active during the month. They can be related to internal or psychological experiences as well as to concrete facts or external situations.

Astrocalendar Plus: A horoscope 100% based on your natal chart.

Learn more about this powerful predictive tool. It is very simple, intuitive, and practical to work in tune with your sky.

Astrological calendars

In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.

Astrocalendar   Plus   Daily   Predictions   Horoscope   Personalized   Suscription