
Astrocalendar Plus Monthly Predictions (Personalized Monthly Horoscope)

With your account in Astrocalendar Plus you will be able to consult your monthly predictions based on the technique of planetary transits considering your natal chart (planets, houses, etc.). This tool is available for PC, Tablet and Mobile Phone.

Astrocalendar Plus Monthly Predictions

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Oct 23, 2023  /  Julio Boyer  /  Spanish version

What are the monthly predictions of the Astrocalendar Plus?

When you request your Astrocalendar Plus account by registering your birth data (date, time, and place) you will obtain a single access link where you can check your predictions or personalized monthly horoscope. These predictions are analyzed or interpreted considering the transits made by the slow planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto on the significators or points of your natal chart. With your subscription you will be able to immediately see your monthly predictions for the next 12 months and best of all, you do not need to have knowledge of astrology to follow your predictions since the analyzes do not include astrological terms. The predictions contemplate each and every one of the areas and topics of your life (economics, family, work, health, partner, friends, travel, etc.).

For example, if your natal Sun is in Aries in the 10th house and during the month Jupiter makes a harmonic transit over your natal Sun, you can expect opportunities and progress in your professional life, but if Leo is also the sign that is in the 2nd house ( regency of the Sun), this influence can also indicate economic benefits or an ideal period to promote a productive project. You will find a detailed analysis of all your active transits during the month in your Astrocalendar Plus. In the example, astrological terms have been used to explain how transits are interpreted in Astrocalendar Plus, but they are not shown in the tool´s analytics unless the option is enabled in settings.

Tips for working with the monthly predictions of Astrocalendar Plus

1) At the end or beginning of the month you can study your monthly predictions to know the most important trends of the period.

2) Become aware of the harmonic influences and develop projects or initiatives that are related to the themes favored during the month. It is a period of both planting and harvesting for those areas.

3) The inharmonious influences indicate what you must consciously work on in the month to evolve. Your task is not to create problems in the affected topics or areas and to act prudently.

4) I recommend you read the monthly predictions again in the middle of the month to rethink strategies.

5) There are influences or transits that last for several months, which gives you more time to work on them consciously. You can see the influences and analysis of subsequent months if you need it.

6) The monthly predictions put the backdrop of what will be happening in the month while with the daily predictions of the Astrocalendar Plus you will be able to choose specific days for your decisions and actions.

More information about Astrocalendar Plus

Daily Predictions

They indicate the days of the month in which the planets and houses of your natal chart are activated both in a harmonious and inharmonious way. In this way, you will be able to choose the harmonic days to organize your most important activities and avoid problems on days when inharmonious influences occur.

Astrocalendar Plus: A horoscope 100% based on your birth chart

Learn more about this powerful predictive tool. It is very simple, intuitive, and practical to work in tune with your sky.

Astrological calendars

In the astrological calendars of each month you will be able to see all the planetary events and their influence. Select the month you want to consult.

Astrocalendar   Plus   Monthly   Predictions   Personalized   Monthly   Horoscope